001 -- Flag, Bellingham Cruise Terminal |
002 -- Navigation Bouy south of Lummi Island |
003 -- Steller Sea Lions, Whale Rocks, Cattle Pass, San Juan Island |
004 -- Cattle Point Lighthouse, south San Juan Island |
005 -- Friday Habor, San Juan Island |
006 -- Friday Harbor, San Juan Island |
007 -- Friday Habor, San Juan Island |
008 -- Friday Harbor, San Juan Island |
009 -- Friday Habor, San Juan Island |
010 -- Humpback Whale, NNW San Juan Island |
011 -- Humpback Whale, NNW San Juan Island |
012 -- Humpback Whale, NNW San Juan Island |
013 -- Humpback Whale, NNW San Juan Island |
014 -- Humpback Whale, NNW San Juan Island |
015 -- Sucia Island |
016 -- Sucia Island |
017 -- Sucia Island |
018 -- Sucia Island |
M/V CATALYST - South of Stuart Island -- 001 |
M/V CATALYST - South of Stuart Island -- 002 |
M/V CATALYST - South of Stuart Island -- 003 |
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